Kranj, Slovenia
Majda Kregar, Uroš Birsa
Following an exceptional endeavour lasting many years to preserve the Corten steel façade and restore the original state to the highest possible degree, we finally succeeded to maintain to a large extent the notable work done by Prof. Edvard Ravnikar.
The renovation enlarged the structure on its east side to a derelict urban area where the access ramp leading to the parking lot on the roof once stood. Regarding the programme the eastern section of the structure now houses the Kranj City Library.
The library’s main entrance facing this once derelict urban area enlivens the old city core, including Gregorčičeva Street, which is now a pedestrian zone.
This extension is formed by large glazed surfaces creating two functionally different planes: the first plane begins on the ground floor and continues upwards as the façade of a three-level hall; the second one constitutes the façade of the library premises, which are projected forward with respect to the first plane as an overhang for the pedestrians walking along Gregorčičeva Street.
The façade includes plants as a softening element for the glazed expanses, but it also marks the connection between the primary and the new structure at the corners.